I am an engineer turned lawyer turned entrepreneur turned tech executive. I don’t believe in standing still. I’ve worked in the software and systems sector for decades, leading people ranging from startup development teams to corporate development and partnership teams.

I see a potential tribe in every team.

You might believe you have one path to success. I believe you have many. I find the opportunities you didn’t know you had. I move you and your organization from a group to a team to a tribe.

I love doing game-changing deals.

I’ve bought small companies for large ones and sold small companies to large ones. I’ve negotiated licensing deals, tech transfer deals, joint venture deals – hundreds of deals. I even negotiated the acquisition of a non-profit that I founded! The right transaction brings together two separate products / teams / businesses and, through the process of cross-pollination (not just integration), allows the discovery of something more than the sum of its parts – it allows for game-changing growth!

I believe in doing more with what you’ve already got.

My first executive team role was right before the financial crisis of 2008. We had to dramatically cut our spend and my budget was cut by 80%! My first reaction was one that I now see all around me. “I can’t do my job without these resources.” A few days later, something competitive in me kicked in. My mindset changed from “give me more” to “bring it on!”. I became scrappier. So did my team. And an unexpected and delightful outcome of this challenge, this adversity, was that we became more tightly bonded, more proud of our accomplishments, and somehow, more effective. We changed the game. And it was way more fun!

I’m passionate about equity and diversity.

I’ve been driven to bring more diversity to the workplace since I graduated from engineering. I’ve grown four women’s communities and served on advisory boards of multiple nonprofits focused on women in business and women in technology.


Current and Prior Advisory Board Engagements
